Monday, October 29, 2012


Sometimes my ASL teacher gets stuck in Boston because of the hurricane, so class is canceled for the next few days.

Sometimes I stare at a cute couple across the way while I'm bored because class is canceled, and I'm too tired to notice their creeped out stares back at me. Or maybe not, maybe I just don't care if I seem creepy and desperate. It's called living vicariously peeps, living vicariously.

Sometimes after some creepin, I watch tv shows while at school waiting for my other classes. Okay all the time.

Sometimes I loose track of time watching these shows and think that I'm terribly late for my next class, then realize I'm not and have my perfect spot stolen, no more creepin.

Sometimes I move to the next perfect spot get all cosy start up a show, again and veg.

Sometimes while vegging I get a compliment on my backpack, I say thanks in the sweetest tone I can muster and she comes back with "Are you okay?" I quickly look at her with a slight glare and come back with a snappy yes. I'm trying to watch an intense show here, she was interrupting. Well my guess is she felt so awkward she got up and left. Never seen someone move so fast.

Sometimes I try to go see my counselor and get depressed because I have to set up and appointment through email, there goes all my classes for next semester. Procrastination, I'm the best at it.

Sometimes after awkward and depressing moments I go visit Kim to make myself feel better or steal her laptop when mine dies.

Sometimes I get her attention by whispering her name and when that doesn't work I throw pennies, or at least try to before she turns around, just so I can through something.

Sometimes she says no, so I have to march in there and be super convincing.

Sometimes when I march in her class people stare and give me weird looks and wonder why I changed, then they realize, I'm just a look alike. Then they stare more.

Sometimes I get on Pinterest and find things like this, then I get bored and I blog about it.


Paul and Em said...

Can't believe you have a spot. Hilarious. I used to love it when my teachers didn't show up.
P.s. You get to see me in 2 weeks!!!

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fattoma said...
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