Wednesday, November 28, 2012

that did just happen

I was Christmas shopping. Alone. I hate doing things alone. 
I had one more stop, Joann's. There was this girl in front of me at the checkout line, she just kept staring at me. I caught her a few times, I tried to ignore her.
Didn't work, so I smiled the sweetest smile I could muster. She smiled back, it started to get awkward so I looked away. At last she finally turned around. 
30 seconds later she was back. This time she was talking, She asked if I was single. 
That explained it all.
 I replied with a simple "yes", and she went on to tell me she had a brother a super cute one that goes to BYU. I smiled in response, not sure how to feel about it. 
She proceeded to the checkout line and said she would show me a picture after we both bought our stuff. As I was awaiting my turn an older lady behind me decided to start up a convo about a woman she new that met her husband almost the exact same way, now they have 3 kids. 
Well lets not get ahead of ourselves lady. 
 I finally purchased my $1 item and met her at the door. She kept talking about how adorable he was, and "your so cute, it'll be perfect." He got home from his mission from Russia about 2 years ago. 
After that I was convinced. Maybe I was meant to go to Joann's. At this point I was kinda excited.
The older lady walked by us and said "well is he cute?" I replied "I don't know yet." Thats when I saw it. The picture popped up. It was him. Ha, I still can't believe it. 
"I know him"
"You do?"
"Yeah, my twin sister went on a date with him."
"Oh, how did it go?"
"I don't know."
"Well this is awkward, isn't it?"
And thats where it ended. I got in the car and just laughed.


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