Thursday, November 1, 2012

best ever

My fam has struggled with white cake recipes for decades. Seriously. 
We finally found one, but it still uses a box cake, and I wanted a genuinely homemade recipe. 
We found this one yesterday and experimented, we knew it had to be good it has cream cheese in it. 
It was the best ever, not kidding, never tasted a better homemade white cake.
 Try it.

Salted Butter 9oz
Cream Cheese 9oz
Sugar 2 1/4 cups
All Purpose Flour 2 1/2 cups
Baking Powder 2 tsp
Large Eggs 8
Vanilla X 1 T

Cream together butter and cream cheese, then add the sugar and mix until combined. While mixing add one egg at a time then vanilla. When that's finished sift in the flour and baking powder, mix for about 1 minute. It should be pretty thick. Then I used a cookie scoop to scoop the batter into the cupcake tins it was fast and easy that way, with less of a mess. 
Preheat your over to 325 and cook for about 18 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean.
I cut this recipe in half and got a dozen. 

Recipe courtesy of the Crumb Boss.
I ate at least four big ones and 2 mini sized ones. They're so good.


Paul and Em said...

YES!!! When I get over my sugercoma I will make these!

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